Magic Camera Copyright 1990-1995 Dan Wesnor This File Copyright 1995 Dan Wesnor All rights reserved by the copyright holder. This file contains the latest information regarding this version of Magic Camera, Version 1.0. Requirements ------------ This program should run on any 386 or better PC with 4MB RAM and Windows 3.1 or better. I _STRONGLY_ recommend a 486DX with 8MB RAM. Many of the included scripts won't execute with less than 8MB of RAM. One or two may require more. And, as always, more memory and more processor won't hurt. Unzipping Info - Full Package (Executables, Docs, & Examples) ------------------------------------------------------------- After your initial unzipping of the distribution package, you wound up with this "readme" file and another zipped file (""). This is so that I could warn you to use the "-d" option of PKUnZip, like so... pkunzip -d This puts everything in the proper subdirectories. Installation ------------ I haven't written a nice installation program yet, so here's what to do. After unzipping (see above) into the directory you wish to keep MC in, copy "mc.ini" and "ctl3d.dll" into your Windows directory. Using File Manager, drag the files "mc.exe" and "mc.hlp" to any existing program group in Program Manager. This gives you icons in Program Manager. If you don't want icons, or have Windows '95, you can skip this step. Windows '95 Users ----------------- Drop me a line and let me know how it works. Changes Since Last Release -------------------------- This is the first PC release. There was a similar Amiga release, but support for this version ended when the Amiga I was using self-destructed (followed its manufacturer’s example, I suppose). I don’t remember exactly what’s changed between releases. If you have not registered your copy of MC, then on large images (those with more than 100,000 pixels) you will see a dark band across the center of the image. This is the current "cripple" method for unregistered copies of MC. (If you _have_ registered your copy, and still get this band, check to see if the opening "about" dialog says you are using a registered version. If not, find the "mc.reg" file you receive when registering and copy it to the same directory as Magic Camera.) Known Bugs ---------- - If the program is busy drawing the wire-frame preview, and another window is brought in front of MC’s status window, the preview gets drawn in the front-most window, corrupting it. I’ve included a work-around, which causes the preview to be drawn in a background bitmap, then blitted into view. In order to turn this work-around on, set the "FixPreview" parameter to "1" in the "Misc" section of the "mc.ini" file. The downside is that you will no longer see the preview being drawn. Contacting the Author --------------------- If you have any questions or bug reports, feel free to e- mail me at "". I check mail at this address nearly daily. There's also a new Web page at "". Dan Wesnor